Color detector for PANTONE

by Underground Lab


4.49 usd

The best RAL and PANTONE detector for your smartphone!

Use the most advanced color tool app of the market, recognize colors from images and browse the full list of the PANTONE colors with code and description. At the moment this app is the best color detector available for Android. This is the only tool that has the ability to calibrate the screen to have the maximum color fidelity as possible.The application doesnt substitute the hardcopies of the PANTONE colors, but is only for support purpose.Fixed bug in RGB representation

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Pop message all the time colour match is hit and miss

irish john

Doesn't work. Tried out on a pantone book and it failed every time.

Ian Watson

Wonderful , worth it.

Ken Chuah

Very Very Excellent

Murthy K

Please fix. Ruins program .

Robert Reinecke

Not bad but the screen compared to the real swatch is a little brighter. Needs a really good camera to be accurate.


It seems to work. Hope the prompt for review goes away now.

Rand Hopkins

Its a must have for any graphic designer or anybody in the printing industry works every time

Jamaica Scott

Nothing is perfect, but this is very helpful. Thanks

Brian Hurry

Fuxking complicated

sing chan